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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Collections...

Did some 'drawer-cleaning' on Monday when I was on leave and to my surprise, this is what I've realised...

My '3 storey' makeup drawer

The 1st storey contain...: Mascaras and eye liners

Just mascaras

My fav eyebrown pencil @ only 0.9mm thin!!

Eye shadows

My fav eye shadows

My unopen mascaras, eyeliner and eyebrown pencil

The 2nd storey of collections...

Face powder and blusher


A must-have! Concealer for my dark circle and blemish

The 3rd storey of collections...

My maskS!!!

Eyelash curler, oil plotting paper, brushes, fake lashes, sharpener and 1 new unopen 0.9mm eyebrown pencil!!

That's the end of the 3 storey makeup drawer and here comes my dressing table drawer...


My fav of ALL, nail polish!!!

I've counted, 40 nail polish!!

Nail arts and accessrioes

Lastly, my new found love: Swarovski Crystal nail file
Can't be blame coz I'm just another girl-next-door who simply love to doll up and look presentable!!!... :)