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Sunday, September 6, 2009

Pregnancy Gesture Week 36 + 1 day

Last Friday, I had a shock... I saw what I think should be the 'show' or some call it 'mucus'. One of the symptoms of early labor, a brownish discharge with some straws of blood. Was in office during that time and my mind went totally blank as it's my 1st time experience this.

I'm just like a 1st time mummy because I was induced during my 1st pregnancy so I won't know how water bag burst feel like, what is the different between Braxton Hicks contraction and real contraction and how does 'show' or 'mucus' look like. Whatever I got it now, I will go asked around then my friends will tell me what to do or what to expect next...

Once again, I'm a blur mummy...

Hubby came to office and fetch me home, not to KKH as I wanted to bathe and wash my hair in case I really need to be deliver that very day...

After that good shower, I lay on my bed thinking should I just stay home to monitor the staining or just head to hospital??? Earlier on, in the office, I called up KKH and asked for advise. Was told to go hospital asap because I'm already 1 cm dilated as per informed by my gynae on Monday so my cervix might have dilated further without I even notice it.

Ended up I decided to monitor the staining at home and wait for other symptom such as water bag burst or contraction before I decided to take my bag and head to hospital.

Well today, my pregnancy gesture is 36 weeks and 1 day. Staining has since stopped and baby is still inside her comfort zone while I'm still enjoying those wonderful movements of her playing inside. Just 6 more days to full term 37 weeks...

Till then, baby endure while mummy counting down.