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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Dinner Schedules

Saw Jo's update about her dinner schedules, think I'll too update mine...

Starting with :-

- 08/01 Thurs, Dinner with Mei and Jo accompany with some CNY shopping.
- 16/01 Fri, D&D with the Company at York Hotel, Theme 'Oscars Nite'.
- 22/01 Thurs, Reunion dinner with ZPGY and some other close buddies.
- 23/01 Fri, Reunion dinner with Mummy (Yeah~ back to 490A).
- 25/01 Sun, Reunion dinner at GMIL (Grand Mother In Law) house with the whole relatives then to Daddy's house for 2nd round of dinner.
- 26/01 Mon, Reunion lunch at home with the Lam family then start the journey to relatives house to 'Bai Nian'. Evening time back to Daddy's house for another sumptuous dinner.

Gosh... Need to plan a strict diet after CNY.

Am so excited....

Finally, 2 weeks has passed and my maid will be coming home tonite!!

- No more ironing of clothings for myself

- No more washing of dishes for myself

- No more washing of milk bottles for myself

- No more preparing of milk powder

- No more heavy bag to carry when bringing daughter out

Mei talked to me twice when I was at home. The 1st time she talked to me, i was ironing clothings. The 2nd time, im washing the dishes...

Zhong called me once, i was ironing and he laugh... Friends don't believe I do house work but i really did.

**My hands are rough from all these washing :( **

When my maid was a long 2 weeks leave, i came to realised that staying at home doing house work and looking after daughter is more tiring then working. So, must treasure and treat your maid well (not that i've been ill-treating her ok!!).

Will be going to airport and fetch her back tonight at 12.40am but hopefully, she will really come back.