Our 1st Princess Birthday
Our 2nd Princess Birthday
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Looking forward to the bright side of life (1)
Hope everything will be fine.
This is just the start of another new journey.
I know that there will be more for me to worry and stress about.
I will go thru it, well.
Life is a miracle.
God, please don't let the history repeat itself again...
Friday, January 30, 2009
Cousin Jeremy and me

Veron washing milk btl!

Fayth and Zaza (Veron's daughter)

S & XL... Opps :X

Weather is hot, she doesn't like to wear clothing!!

The 3 guys playing soccer game

Aunty Geraldine and her 2nd son (handsome right!)

Cousin Derrick and me

The cousins and aunty

Time flies... the boys are so much taller then me and aunty Geraldine!


While waiting for them to pray outside the temple

Cheeky girl (On our way to my daddy house!)

Just woke up from her beauty nap, showing her cranky face

She loves touching that big orange (Daphne bought this vietnam dress for Fayth, nice!)

Me, Fayth and my daddy

Daphne and me

My beloved daddy

Superlicious dinner cooked by daddy and elder aunt :)~~

Daphne, small aunt and me

Fayth enjoying her favourite soup (100% pure cantonese!)

Friday, January 23, 2009
SH Suckz!!!
1) Automatically transfer to voice mail
2) Talked half way, line will cut off by itself and can't call anymore
3) While talking on e phone, 2nd line called in, the 1st line will get cut off
I've been calling back home since 2pm and it just keep transfer me to voice mail!
Can't imagine what if there's something urgent that need to call home...
ZPGY reunion dinner 2009
Reached Lilian house at 3pm..

Mei's an expert now, teaching Zhong to how use the remote
Now, Zhong is the expect teaching Jo how to play ...
This new found toys really made them shagged out! Our usual photo taking to keep ourselves entertained.
Me and Zhong
Behind Jo is Vien's elder son, Xavier
Look who's behind us making that ugly face!!!
5.30pm, time to prepare for the food...
The fridge is full of food we use for steamboat
Charles and Zhong, setting up the pot
Zhong, the thorn among the roses.. :D
All of us, busy enjoying our prawns and soup!!
Year 2008: Mei and Lian was the one who washed the plates.
Year 2009: Me and Jo's turn to wash. (Jo washed the 1st round and....happily sitting on the sofa and chit-chatting with Vien!) I washed the rest of the plates but with no photo evidents!!!!
Year 2010: Zhong and Thomas turn :P
Thomas, volunteered to help me wash the pots (or maybe they'r irritated by the way i do washing?)... Anyway, thank u soooo much, u saved my hands :)
Zhong helped out with chearing of the rubbishs
He wants people to knw that he got help out! (But that doesn't mean both Zhong and Thomas no need to do any washing next year!)
Time for excise after the very full-filling steamboat dinner! - Wii-ing time!
See? I told u Zhong is an expert already... teaching Thomas how to playOld people tends to get tired easily. Now is 'uncle' time for them:-
'Tea' drinking session (By the way, last year is Red wine drinking lor!!)All of us....