I now officially announce that I'm a Preggy!!!
It has not been an easy 3 months for me. Lots of ups and downs, been visiting my gynae, Doc KT Tan (she delivered my 1st child), Senior Consultant from KKH almost every 2 to 3 weeks (usually every check up is once a month). Think I've spent nearly $2k for all the check up and blood testes (which all test results is well).
Remember I was ordered to bed rest at home for 2 weeks? That's because I'm suffering from early pregnancy bleeding, another term used by doctor is Threaten Miscarriage. Luckily I'm all well now :)
Went for my FTS (1st Trimester Screening) on last Monday. The screen is for Down Syndrome and is showed Baby at 90% Low Risk :). Also did the compulsory Maternal Blood test which test for HIV, Hep B, Major Blood disease etc (no news is good news!!!!)...
Waiting for another major detail screening test which they will scan the baby's brain, heart, spine to check for any birth defects on May 18 when I'm on my fifth months of pregnancy...
And finally for all my hard work, endurance and sacrifices, I've successfully completed my critical 1st trimester and am now stepping into my 2nd trimester which is another new journey of the next 3 months (total another 6 more months to my delivery).
I am now in....
Pregnancy Week 13

And how's mom doing? Congratulations on a successful first trimester! A lot has happened (and there’s a lot more to come). You should be proud of your hard work and sacrifice. Giving up lattes, soda, and wine is not easy. Even if you snuck in a few of these goodies over the past 13 weeks, don’t dwell on it—there’s a lot The good news is some fashion designers are realizing that being pregnant doesn’t mean you can’t look sharp, sexy, sporty, or whatever your particular style might be to look forward to!
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