Our 1st Princess Birthday
Our 2nd Princess Birthday
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Dreams During Pregnancy ~ Many women report that their dream life shifts into high gear during pregnancy. Interestingly, during the second and third trimesters, you spend less sleep time in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, the cycle in which most dreams occur. Why, then, all those frequent and vivid dream memories?
It's probably at least in part because you may be interrupting a dream-filled cycle when you wake up to pee, cope with heartburn, leg cramps, restless legs, or a backache, or to shift to a more comfortable position. Waking up during REM sleep makes you more likely to remember your dreams.
It may also be in part that dreams seem so vivid during pregnancy because for most women pregnancy is a time of such heightened emotions — from joy to apprehension and everything in between — but no one really knows for sure.
Here's a look at some common themes and what they may mean, according to Patricia Garfield, a clinical psychologist and author of Women's Bodies, Women's Dreams.
You're caring for baby animals. During the second trimester, many pregnant women dream about cuddly, baby-like animals, such as puppies, chicks, and kittens. Friendly creatures in your dreams are generally thought to signify that you're tuned in to your instincts. Menacing animals, on the other hand, may represent ambivalence about the strange new creature entering your life.
You have a sexy encounter with an old flame. Many mothers-to-be are concerned about their changing figure and its effect on their sex life — while many others feel more sexually charged than ever. Both feelings are often reflected in your dreams. Not only do erotic dreams offer comforting reassurance, but they may mirror the sexiness you feel during your waking hours, too.
Your mate is straying. If you dream that your partner hooks up with an ex-girlfriend or a total stranger, it can signal insecurity about holding his love and attention through a time of great change. Right now, you're dependent on the goodwill and support of those around you, especially your partner. Fearing his loss is a common emotional reaction to being pregnant.
Since there's nothing you can do to stop the crazy dreams, try having fun with them. Keep a notebook and pen by your bedside to jot them down.
Pregnancy Week 17
What is going on with mom & baby?
Baby: Don't be too shocked but... your baby is EVEN bigger than it was last week, not to mention getting cuter, and smarter every day! Baby’s crown to rump length is around 13.5 cm. Your baby weighs about 150-200 grams, has fine hair called lanugo forming on her head and body. Your baby is forming enamel on her teeth now and is beginning to develop fat underneath her skin. Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop. Reactive listening has begun for your baby, even though their ears are not yet structurally complete or fully functional. Meanwhile, different parts of their astonishingly complex brain are developing to process your little one’s hearing and other senses, (you know, sight, smell, taste and touch).
Mom: You may be having more aches and pains now. You may be experiencing pain on the sides of your abdomen called round ligament pain. This is caused by your expanding uterus and your ligaments stretching. You may also start having problems with heartburn if you haven’t already.
This Week's Activity: Start a baby name list. (I have already start choosing names origin from Spanish, Italian and English!) Make a list of ten names you like. Have your partner do the same. Trade lists and each cross out one name on the other's list that you dislike. Keep taking turns until you have a set of names you can both live with. Talk about why you like and dislike certain names. Many couples even create ground rules, such as no names of former girlfriends or boyfriends and no names that have ever been used for family pets.
Boy? Girl?
This is what it had predicted. How true it is? Let's wait for May 18...

Monday, April 27, 2009
Had dinner with mummy and cousin on Saturday night and to challenger as mummy wanted to get a lappy. She chosen a HP lappy at $2k+ so she's entitle to purchase a camera at special price and of cause that camera is for me... heeheehee~~~ Different model of camera charge at different special price. So, after much consideration, I had chosen a Sony 10M.P camera at a top up of $149 only. That's a great deal though but of cause branding wise, it can't compare to Canon.
Yesterday went to HB's 'god brother' wedding dinner. I dressed Fayth up as a little princess. When I told her in the noon that she's going to wear a mini tiara for the night, she's so happy that can't stop bugging me to change her up. This is the photos I've took for her before the dinner.
She starts to get cranky as her fever came back again...
Fayth was suddenly asked to be a flower girl for the bride and groom as they spotted her playfully running about with her new found friend at the dinner!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Some fun facts
Your conception date was most likely Saturday, January 10, 2009
Fun Birthday Facts
If born on your due date, your baby's half birthday will be April 3
Your baby's birthstone will be Opal (Hope)
Your baby's Astrological Sign will be Libra
Your baby's Flower will be Calendula or Cosmos (White, Yellow and Varied)
Your baby will be born in the Chinese Year of The Brown Earth Cow
This time next year your baby will be 29 Weeks Old!
Your baby will start kindergarten in 2014, be old enough to drive a car in 2025, finish high school in 2027, and will graduate from college with the class of 2031, give or take a year. Can you imagine?
Thursday, April 23, 2009
The Protest Baby
Been able to feel my baby's movements more often now and the kicking is getting stronger too! This little baby already started to protest if I were to delay my breakfast. This morning as I'm getting late to work, there isn't much time to have breakfast with HB so he drop me off at MacDonald to get myself a burger (which I plan to eat in office). Once I got back into the car, I put the burger aside and only drink my orange juice.
HB: Why you don't want to eat now?
Me: Don't want la, later the car smell.
HB: Never mind, you eat now. I can wind down the window.
Me: Never mind la, later I reach office then eat.
*Just at the moment after saying this sentence, the poking and kicking starts...*
Me: Hmmm, think baby is protesting already. Now is kicking me.
HB: Then you better eat now!
Me: Okie...(Start to take out the burger and enjoy)
After finishing the burger and orange juice, think I'm only 50% full because I start to feel hungry at around 11am!
For the month of March and April, there's so many new babies and new mom-to-be. Feel so happy... :)
To the mummies who have just delivered:~
Congrats to Filza on the delivered of her 1st baby girl on April 7.
Congrats to Sharon on the delivered of her 2nd baby, Ashley Ng on April 11.
Congrats to Tinylovees (although I don't know who she is) on the delivered of her 2nd baby, Chloe on April 20.
To the mummies to be (again):~
Congrats myself on the successful of my 2nd production and also successfully completed my 1st trimester.
Congrats to Lilian on the successful of your 1st production which you had tried it for so hard and so long (you gonna pass your 1st trimester real soon!!)
And finally, congrats to my Cousin Veron who had also been successful of her 2nd production.
Take care all mummies to be (including myself....heehee)
Life is precious; Life is gift.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Pregnancy week 16

And how's mom doing? The top of your uterus is about halfway between your pubic bone and your navel, and the round ligaments that support it are thickening and stretching as it grows. You're probably feeling a whole lot better as you settle into pregnancy, too. Less nausea, fewer mood swings, and "glowing" skin contribute to an overall sense of well-being. Soon you'll experience one of the most wonderful moments of pregnancy — feeling your baby move. While some women notice "quickening" as early as 16 weeks, many don't feel their baby move until about 18 weeks or more. (And if this is your first baby, don't be too impatient — you may not be aware of your baby's movements until 20 weeks or so.) The earliest movements may feel like little flutters, gas bubbles, or even like popcorn popping. Over the following weeks they'll grow stronger and you'll be able to feel them much more frequently.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
My check up to the KKH
3 more days to my 16 weeks of pregnancy, expected to see the gender of my baby but Doc Tan said he/she is too shy to open up or perhaps is just too busy kicking inside me!
For these 15 weeks, I've gained 1kg which is 45.1kg now (So proud of myself). Baby is currently 8.5cm long (3.5 inch) but still very small to know the weight. I am anxious to know about the growth and weight of baby is because Fayth was borned a IUGR (terms for Low Birth Weight Baby) at 44cm long, 2.26kg only and it was really tough to look after such a small baby. She's just like a little kitten even during full month!
When I'm preggy with Fayth, I was suffering from Low Lying Placenta which will resulted in bleeding and unable to have a normal vaginal delivery because it blocks the birth canal but usually the placenta will move upwards as the pregnancy progress. Now, again, I'm having this Low Placenta so hopefully it will move upwards when my womb gets bigger...
Knowing that I got a history of IUGR baby, Doc Tan prescribed me Prenatal Omega Fish oil for the development of baby's brain and eyes function. I've just measured the fish oil soft gel, it is 2cm long and 0.5cm thick! Oh gosh... ZPGY will know that I will have problem swallowing pills but I'm good at biting panadol, wahahaha~~~
I confessed to Doc Tan that I've this very bad habit of stealing coffee to drink but of cause I don't drink it everyday. Doc Tan said 1 cup of coffee a day is fine but it would be better if I don't drink it frequently as caffeine is bad for baby's development.
I really got so many questions to ask my gynae but ended up I missed out the most important question... I constipate almost everyday and this is my biggest problem of all, I wanted to get Doc Tan to prescribe me with something that can really help me with...but...sob sob, got to wait till next month again! :(
Oh yes, I no longer needed the medication that stabilised the pregnancy!!! And all my blood tests result normal! Now waiting for the major scanning on 18 May, Doc Tan said will check the baby gender again next month.
Baby, Be good ok! Don't be so shy, give doctor check awhile only then Mummy can start to think of nice names... If girl, will be Fynn Lam. If boy, still can't think of any nice name that start with F..... Chinese name I want it to be Lam Jia Le, suitable for both boy and girl but still will need to give those people to count the birth time etc after the baby is born...
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Preggy week 15

Fetal development in pregnancy week 15: Fetus in fourth month Your nearly four-inch long gymnast is happily mobile inside your womb and if you're really lucky, you’ll notice a point when your sneezing, coughing or laughing results in a little kick here or a poke there. Still, many women don't feel anything until the 17th week or later. Although the poking and kicking isn't very charming during sleeping hours, it’s a good sign as it means your baby is actually reacting to outside events. Yay! You’ve got yourself one active healthy baby! Their little elbows and knees are bending more freely this week and their little legs are finally growing longer than their arms and getting pumped up for prenatal Richard Simmons. Her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. Many of their major organ systems are increasing in capacity—particularly that amazing tiny heart and complex circulation system, which is now pumping about 25 quarts of blood per day, and will increase to a very impressive 200 quarts per day by the end of the pregnancy. As far as hair goes, we’ve got some new scalp patterns beginning to develop on the head, although actual head hair is not yet present. Finally, if you have an ultrasound this week, you may be able to find out whether your baby's a boy or a girl! (Don't be too disappointed if it remains a mystery, though. Nailing down your baby's sex depends on the clarity of the picture and on your baby's position. He or she may be modestly curled up or turned in such a way as to "hide the goods.")
And how's mom doing? Have your cheeks been rosier lately? (No, no, no-- we’re asking about your face.) Are you feeling especially radiant? This famed “glow” is brought to you courtesy of the pregnancy fairy who has waved her magical “rosy tinge wand” over you. Seriously though, your body is experiencing an increase in be aware that increased blood flow might cause your blood vessels to expand, resulting in a series of not-so-magical nosebleeds blood flow and you probably do have flushed skin and cheeks. You've probably gained about 5 pounds by now (a little more or less is fine, too) and are well into the swing of your pregnancy, but you may still be surprised by an unexpected symptom now and then.
This Week's Activity: Talk to your baby. It's a great way to start the bonding process. If having an actual conversation seems odd to you, narrate your activities; read a book, magazine, or newspaper; or share your secret wishes for your child. This is great practice for after your baby's born. Talking to babies is one of the best ways to help them develop language skills.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
How to spend the upcoming long weekend???
Wanted to bring her to the Zoo, but I know I will be tired and I can't walk for long as my back will start to ache.
Wanted to bring her to the Bird Park, but birds are dangerous for preggy as they got some kind of germs or bacterial which is harmful for unborn baby (i bet alots of preggy doesn't aware of it, go read more pregnancy book!).
Wanted to bring her to the Botanic Garden as they now having the 150 years anniversary event but it seems kind of boring to go visit the flowers, trees and grasses... For more details, please visit http://www.sbg.org.sg/
Wanted to bring her to the East Coast beach for some sand playing and swimming but the recent weather always ruined our plan.
Wanted to bring her to Downtown East for the Ferris Wheel ride and to explorer kids indoor playground but am afraid of HFMD as these little balls are full of germs! It's so dirty...
Haiz... my poor little girl always ask me to bring her out but where to??!!! Actually she's very easy to satisfy. Last Saturday we brought her to Parkway Shopping Mall to do some painting, she's more then happy! But I can't always bring her for painting, she will be bore too!
How? How?? How???
Monday, April 6, 2009
Pregnancy Week 14

And how's mom doing? What’s in the forecast for your second trimester? We’ve got a heavy concentration of developing fetal movement, which will increase in magnitude in frequency through the duration of the second trimester before subsiding in the third trimester as womb-space becomes limited. If you think you’ve got the second trimester is typically experienced as the most exciting and enjoyable of the three— the morning sickness is gone, you definitely feel and look pregnant, but you’re not yet an overstuffed-lumbering-mammoth gas or some kind of odd bowel obstruction right now, it might actually just be your little one poking you hello! You’ll become more familiar with the sensation as the frequency and intensity increase (and you’ll never quite forget this special feeling!.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
My new skincare regime
Through a friend's blog, she recommended this new facial product which is effective in removing dead skin cells so I decided to request for a sample too.
I've received the sample 2 days ago and I've tried it for 2 times.
1st, you got to remove your make up, then wash your face with a cleanser. Tower dried your face then apply a few drops of Cure Aqua Gel onto your face. Leave it for a few second then gently rub your face in circular motion for 1 min. The gel will turn into liquid and become white, rinse off the dead skin with lukewarm water. After use, apply moisturizer and you find your skin more smooth and soften.
Wanna get a sample as well? Click onto the following link-
Or read it for more details-
Will consider buying the full size product when the sample has finish :)
Bird nest has been my 'a must' weekly consumption since 2 months of my pregnancy, now I've even use it as part of my twice weekly skincare regime. I put on this mask after I've removed my dead skin with Cure for better absorption of the essence.
Pregnancy Scanning
Also on the 23rd March (This show the little legs as well)
Friday, April 3, 2009
Still deep in my thoughts....
I couldn't help and my tears just drop off suddenly when I was reading the abuse report on My Paper. Joanna had a very good description on how we feel after viewing the video: It's just like seeing our own daughter being abuse by the maid, so helpless, wailing in pain, no one to help and protect her.
My heart goes to the poor little girl, hoping she's in safe hands now. Most importantly, she didn't suffer from any internal injury...
Once again, fuck the idiot bastard CB no brain, no heart, cold blooded maid!!! Wonder which country did she came from?!
没家教, 残忍, 没人性, 狗都不如!!
Maid abuses Child
I really can't content my furious and pain about how the maid actually kick and stomp onto the poor little girl whom I think she's just bearly 3 years old!!! If can, I would really wanted to put my hand into the video, pull the maid out, kick her fucking face, pull her ugly bomb-like hair, stomp onto her fatty stomach, strip off her clothing's and throw her out onto the street to humiliate her further!!! She needs no mercy!
Understanding from the video, it might be because that poor little girl wanted to go toilet which anger the fucking CB maid! I don't want to upload any of the video or photos into my blog as it will only make my blog 'smelly'! But if any of you would like to see what the fucking bastard CB maid done to the poor little girl, click onto the following link.
It really makes me wonder why all those abuser actually aim on those poor, innocent and helpless child whereby mostly were only few years of age! They don't deserve all these! Why do all those fucking abuser can lay their hands and legs on their little body? They have no ways to defend themselves at all! Especially when the abuser is their own parents, they are suppose to take care and protect them. For god sake, don't give birth if you can't protect them!!!!
Other then child abuser, some mothers even can throw their babies into the dustbin and let them died there. Few weeks ago when I was reading The New paper, there's a news about a mother who gave birth in Changi Airport but threw her baby into the bin... And, another woman don't know from which fucking country gave birth in the plane and also throw the baby into the bin... My heart sank when I read about these news.
While yesterday, The New paper reports about Employer abuse the Maid and the employer should be humiliated in public. In this type of cases, yes we should pity the maid but be contradicting, I won't further pity them after reading all those child abuses from maid.
My theory is, maid can defend themselves. They can find chance to sneak away from the family but can those little children did the same too? Can they defend themselves? Do they know what to do? Do they even know how to sneak away? Doubt some even dare to complaint to their parents... In their small little heart, they will only think that they must have done something so wrongful that they deserve such a 'punishments'...
To those maids who abuses children: May you be lonely throughout your entire life without giving birth to any children as you don't deserve any offspring.
To those parents who abuses their own children: May you reincarnate into a maid in your next life, let people abuse you and also may you be lonely throughout your entire life without any offspring too!
ZPGY - I know I can't be cursing and swearing people now but I just can't help it! Anyway, I've close my unborn baby ears and eyes so he/she won't know the mummy is scolding vulgarity. Wahahahaha~~~~