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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Fayth and Breast Milk

I simply had too much milk to spare....haha.. in fact is really so much that I brought 40 packs of it to store into my mummy's freezer which now 3/4 of her freezer is packed with my milkS.

Mummy: You tell me how am i going to buy food and store in the freezer for CNY?
Me: Don't buy so much lor.
Mummy: Ok, then reunion dinner I just cook maggie mee and open 1 can of Lala (my pretty dog) dog food for you lor.
Me: Huh? CNY must have Prawns, Fish, Meat, Abalone, Scallop.............
Mummy: No need la, freezer where got space? Just drink your milk will do.
Me: Iya, take my milk make coffee or milo for yourself la...
Mummy: *she walk away without turning her head to look at me*

Gave Fayth tried my breast milk (without telling her), she sensed something 'not right' with the milk so she asked me:

Fayth: Mummy, I don't want to drink already.
Me: Why? You said you want neinei, you better finish it.
Fayth: Don't want already, I'm full. (Which she even hardly drink 20ml of it!)
Me: Then how?
Fayth: Papa! You always want take my neinei drink right? Nah, i give you drink today. I'm very full now.
Me & hubby shock by her respond.....

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